HR Executive Role

HR Executive Role

If HR Managers want to give some responsibilities to another person in the team they can do it by getting the role of HR Executive activated. Please get in touch with your Application Administrator to activate this role, refer to the article on "Role Mapping" for more details on how to activate this role. This is a multiple role like HR Manager.

The following rights are available to the HR Executive by default
1. Viewing and making changes to employee profile data including changes in official details - refer article
2. Access to Resigned Employee tab -
refer article
3. Changes in contract end date -
refer article
4. Delegation of work of an Executive to an Assistant -
refer article

HR Executive can be assigned additional responsibilities for the following processes after appropriate configuration is done in setup.
1. Employee Records
a) New employee creation rights - refer article
b) Updation of employee as joined rights -
refer article
c) Employee data updation rights : the right to update data for single employee is given by default, bulk updation rights can be configured from setup -
refer article
d) HRIS data approval rights -
refer article
e) Employee calendar mapping -
refer article
f) Employee shift mapping -
refer article
g) Manager transfer : Initiator and Approver rights -
refer article
h) Skill record approval rights -
refer article
i) Email ID management -
refer article

2. Attendance
a) Time Modification & Backdated Attendance Request : Initiator and Approver rights - refer article
b) Marking attendance on behalf of employee through mobile -
refer article
c) Pending attendance : Approver rights
d) Missing out time : Approver rights

3. Leaves
a) Leave Request : Initiator, Approver & Exception Approver
b) Bulk leave upload

4. Tour Request : Initiator and Approver rights
5. WFH Request : Initiator and Approver rights
6. OD Request : Initiator and Approver rights
7. Separation :  Initiator, Approver, HR Department's clearance approver rights
8. HR Expense : Initiator, Approver and Verifier rights
9. Advance : Initiator and Approver rights
10. Cab request approver rights
11. Timesheet approver rights
12. Recruitment
a) Job opening approver rights
b) Offer approver rights

13. Reports access can be given to HR Executive through Report Visibility setup

Rights not available to HR Executive role are
1. Changes in Date of Joining - refer article
2. Issuing letters - refer article r​efer article
3. Making announcements - refer article
4. Updating important links - refer article
5. Direct generation of salary slips - refer article
6. Updation of missing approvers - refer article
7. Attendance data upload for manual method employees - refer article
8. Manual LWP creation based on attendance shortfall - refer article

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